
The auditing of accounts involves reviewing and checking the accounting records. For some companies, the annual accounts audit is a legal obligation; for others, it is strongly recommended.<\/p>\n

Amedia Fiduciary\u2019s team of experts will ensure that the accounting records and especially the annual accounts reliably reflect the financial situation of the audited company.<\/p>\n

Our auditors check the authenticity, correctness, consistency and legal compliance of the accounts submitted by your Swiss company.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Our work does not stop there. We can help you to improve the internal control procedures and warn you of any problems that you may meet.<\/p>\n

Get a free assessmentOur advisors answer you quickly<\/span><\/p>

FREE ASSESSMENT<\/a> or +41 22 320 94 34 <\/div><\/div>\n

L\u2019audit des comptes que nous proposons peut \u00eatre annuel, ponctuel, relatif aux acquisitions, aux fusions, aux apports ou aux cessions.<\/p>\n

Les professionnels de notre cabinet d\u2019audit poss\u00e8dent une longue exp\u00e9rience en la mati\u00e8re et de solides connaissances en en comptabilit\u00e9 et obligations l\u00e9gales suisses afin de vous fournir un audit de qualit\u00e9.<\/p>\n

Nos auditeurs multilingues, peuvent vous transmettre un rapport dans la langue de votre choix (fran\u00e7ais, anglais, espagnol,\u2026) ce qui peut s\u2019av\u00e9rer utile lorsque la soci\u00e9t\u00e9 m\u00e8re ou les actionnaires de l\u2019audit\u00e9e sont \u00e9trangers.<\/p>\n

Les auditeurs de Fiduciaire Amedia vous proposent \u00e9galement :<\/p>\n